When to sign-up — Kansas Assistance Network

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When can you sign up for Medicare?

White background with a pair of reading glasses setting on top of the 2021 Medicare and You handbook.

White background with a pair of reading glasses setting on top of the 2021 Medicare and You handbook.

Some people get Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) automatically and other people have to sign up for it. In most cases, it depends on whether you’re getting Social Security benefits.

  • If you’re getting social security benefits, your Medicare benefits (A & B) will start automatically. However, if you’d like to sign-up for a Medicare Advantage Plan, Medicare Supplement Plan, and/or stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan.

  • If you’re not getting social security benefits, you will need to sign-up for Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period. (see below)

To change, add, drop, or switch Medicare plans most people will need to do this during an enrollment period.

Enrollment Periods: when they are and what you can do during them

Initial Enrollment Period: 3 months before you turn 65, the month you turn 65 and 3 months after you turn 65 (7 month window)

Yearly Open Enrollment Period: October 15th - December 7th for coverage starting January 1st

What you can do during this enrollment period:

  • Change from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan.

  • Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan back to Original Medicare.

  • Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another Medicare Advantage Plan.

  • Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn't offer drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that offers drug coverage.

  • Switch from a Medicare Advantage Plan that offers drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn't offer drug coverage.

  • Join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

  • Switch from one Medicare drug plan to another Medicare drug plan.

  • Drop your Medicare prescription drug coverage completely.

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment: January 1st through March 31st for coverage starting July 1st

What you can do during this enrollment period:

  • Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another Medicare Advantage Plan.

5 Star Medicare Advantage Plan, Medicare Cost Plan, or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Open Enrollment: December 8th through November 30th

Special Enrollment Periods for a loss of other coverage: generally two months from your last day of coverage

Special Enrollment Period = period of time you can enroll outside of a typical enrollment period due to special circumstances.

There are many different reasons you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. Go here to learn about the different ways you can qualify.

Special Enrollment Periods if you get Extra Help to pay for your Medicare

If you receive help paying for your Medicare advantage plan or Part D plan you can join, switch, or drop your coverage one time during each of these periods:

  • January–March

  • April–June

  • July–September

For more information on Medicare visit Medicare.gov